The H&J Process

How We WOrk

The H&J Investment Process

We assess claims for free and assignors/borrowers are under no obligation to accept any offer we make.

Stage 1:
Get In Touch
You can contact us in one of three ways:
 (a) Use the 'Submit a Case Enquiry' form at the bottom of this page;  
(b) Send us an email at; or (c) Call or email your H&J contact.
We will aim to respond within 24 to 48 hours and invite you to provide us with further information.
Stage 2:
Send Us Key Documents

In order to assess your claim we need you to send us the key documents / pieces of information that will help us to understand your claim.  We will enter into an NDA to protect the confidentiality of any information submitted to us.

We do not have a set form - nor do you necessarily need to create anything specifically for us.  You know the claim best and so will know what the key documents are that will help us to understand and assess the claim.  We don’t need all of your documents or even a large volume of documents (this will only slow down our review) - but the key documents that succinctly explain what the claim is about, any pre-action correspondence with the defendants, any contractual documents that may be the subject of the dispute, any advice you have already obtained from solicitors / barristers; and/or, any draft or filed pleadings (if you have got this far).

Stage 3:
Initial Assessment Of Claims

H&J’s expert team of in-house litigators will conduct a (free) assessment of claims submitted to us.  We will aim to conduct an initial assessment within seven days - and to revert to you after that time with our decision or, if we are not yet in a position to make a decision, any questions, requests for further documentation or suggestions for further investigatory work.

Stage 4:
Decision On Investment

Once we have completed our assessment we will confirm whether we are interested in making an investment offer.  If we are interested in investing in the claim we will liaise with you to understand your key drivers and any concerns you may have.

Stage 5:
Structuring Our Investment

If we are interested in purchasing or funding claims we will liaise with you to understand your key drivers so that we can best structure our investment in a way that works best for you.  

We typically prefer to structure any assignments so that the assignor retains an interest in the proceeds of any successful outcome.  However, some companies / individuals prefer an immediate upfront payment (for example, to meet legal fees already incurred) - in which case this can be factored into the structure.  We will draft the necessary legal documentation and bear the costs of the assignment.

Stage 6:
The Claim

Our experienced team of litigators will work with external solicitors and barristers to devise a strategy for the claim designed to achieve a successful outcome in the most efficient way.  We approach cases from a commercial perspective and so will always be interested in resolving claims via settlement where possible as protracted litigation generally benefits no-one.

If Defendants are unwilling to enter into a reasonable settlement then we will go to trial – and, to date, we have a 100% record of all claims taken to trial.

When we take assignment of claims our interests in maximising recoveries are aligned with assignors –  therefore if we consider there is value in continuing to pursue claims at proportionate cost then we will always pursue a claim further.


Director & Representative Services

We first began offering Director & Representative services to solve an issue experienced by an Office Holder client of H&J.  We believe in assessing each such opportunity on its merits and trying to offer a bespoke service wherever possible.  As such, there is no set ‘process’ we follow for assessing such opportunities.  Please therefore liaise directly with your usual H&J contact or email

How We Work

Who We Work With

We work with a range of companies, individuals, insolvency practitioners, and creditors to maximise recoveries from legal claims without them incurring the risk and costs involved with litigation.

Insolvency Practitioners

Insolvent Companies / Individuals

Insolvency Practitioners rely on us to help them maximise recoveries from litigation and arbitration claims held by insolvent companies.  

H&J combines litigation, insolvency and investigatory expertise to robustly and efficiently pursue litigation.

Our goals:

  • Create innovative solutions for IPs and creditors.
  • Help to achieve the proper aims of insolvency.
  • Pursue those who have abused the insolvency process.

Solvent Companies / Individuals

Solvent companies may not want to invest the significant time and cost involved in pursuing litigation and arbitration claims.

Litigation can be an unwanted distraction from the company’s primary business and place a burden on management.

Our goals:

  • Provide a cost and risk-free solution.
  • Achieve a return on claims without the hassle and drain on resources.
  • Protect the company’s reputation by treating everyone properly (including defendants).
Solvent Companies / Individuals
Insolvency Practitioners

Insurance Policyholders

Insurers often try to resist paying out on meritorious claims, yet policy holders may not want the hassle of pursuing claims that have been refused.

By taking an assignment we can step into the shoes of the insured and pursue the claim on their behalf.

Our goals:

  • Obtain a return for insureds whose claims have been unfairly denied.
  • Bear the costs and risks associated with pursuing the insurer.
  • Utilise our experience and expertise to achieve a fair outcome.

Executors and Administrators of Probate Estates

Executors and Administrators face a difficult job at an emotionally sensitive time. Pursuing litigation claims that were held by the deceased may be unattractive.

We can help to unlock the value in such claims.

Our goals:

  • Help to maximise the return to beneficiaries of the estate.
  • Reduce unwanted hassle and stress at a difficult time.
  • Provide creative and risk-free solutions for Executors and Administrators.
Insolvency Practitioners

Submit A Case Enquiry

If you have a case you'd like us to review please send us details using this form.  However, other than your contact details, the fields are not mandatory and merely indicative of the information that may help us to process your claim quicker. If you'd prefer, please feel free to drop us an email at:
Is the claimant insolvent / bankrupt?
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